To learn about the system of points in Woliba, start at the “Rewards” tab on your app or web browser. On this tab, your points are broken down for each bucket:

  • Fitness points can be earned through either automatic or manual workouts logged as well as setting monthly activity goals
  • Social points are earned by joining events, participating in challenges, winning challenges that are competitive, connecting with buddies, posting photos, or receiving recognition
  • Health Assessment points are earned from completing company health initiatives which may include your HRA and biometric screening among other actions
  • Wellness points are earned by reading articles, passing quizzes, watching fitness or recipe videos, and checking your daily tips 

Please note: Each points bucket has a maximum points cap approved by your organization. That is listed as Points Available for every bucket.

Once this maximum has been reached, you can still earn points in this category, but they will no longer contribute to your annual total, company rewards, or leaderboard status.