There are a few reasons that data may not be showing correctly in Woliba, but the most common is out of date devices. Many devices and applications, if not fully up-to-date will not share complete or fully accurate activity data, and might be impacting the data showing in Woliba.

If your Woliba data appears incorrect, start by confirming the app you are using is fully up-to-date and reporting correct information to Woliba, using the steps below.


Step 1: Close fully out of your Woliba app

Step 2: Find the fitness app you use in the App Store or in Google Play using the search feature.  Click "update" if that is listed next to the app. Next find Woliba and repeat the process. 

Step 3: Once both the Woliba app and your fitness tracker app are updated, open your fitness tracker app.

Step 4: With your fitness tracker app open, let your fitness device fully sync. This means allowing all data from your watch to read properly on your fitness app and/or allowing you manual sync option to complete. This can take a couple of minutes, so be patient. 

Step 5: Once all your activity data is updated on your fitness device app, now open the Woliba app. Please allow 30-60 seconds for Woliba to get the data as well.

(TIP : Within the Woliba App, you can also refresh by either Pulling down and releasing on the current screen OR navigating between pages on the bottom toolbar )


Still having issues syncing your data? Please feel free to contact us at for additional support.