Having trouble logging into Woliba? Try confirming the below: 

  1. You are definitely registered: Have you finished registering your account in Woliba yet? If you've closed out your window before completing registration, you will not be recognized as a user. Remember to register with your company name and company password, which should be in your email. If you can't find it there, you can request this information from your company Admin/HR team.

  2. You entered the correct password: It's easy to mis-type a password, especially if you are on your phone! double check that you definitely used the correct password to log in. 

  3. You are using the correct email address: Did you register with your company email or your personal one? It's important to be sure you are using the correct email to log in. 

Once you've confirmed the above try resetting your password by clicking Request a New Password on the login page.


Still having issues logging in, or not sure which email you registered with? Please feel free to contact us at support@woliba.io for additional support.